Prepare Your Brand For Launch

In as little as 1-2 weeks of lunch breaks!

  • Instantly Communicate Your Brand Personality

    When you pair the right stylistic elements, they send subconscious signals to your buyer's brains. Know that you have chosen just the right elements.

  • Fuel Positive Connections with Your Business and Ignite Curiosity to Learn More.

    Your brand elements will either pull people in, or push them away. Let's make sure it does the former.

  • Attract Customers Who Happily Pay What Your Brand is Worth

    One look at your magnetically styled offering, and your customers will instantly read that this brand is high quality.

Module 1: Setting Up for Success

Module 1: Setting Up for Success

Here is where I break down what truly sets a brand apart from a commodity, which translates into being able to charge premium prices for your offering.

  • How to Communicate Your Uniqueness

  • A Framework for Creating Your Brand Story

  • How to Set Up Your Style Guide

Module 2: Color

Module 2: Color

Learn the system to choosing captivating colors every time.

  • Discover the Positive & Negative Signals of the 11 Main Colors

  • Go Deep with the 4 Naturally Harmonious Color Groups

  • Discover a Clear Pathway to Choosing Your Brand Palette

Module 3: Typography

Module 3: Typography

The right typeface can attract fans to your business like bees to honey. Learn the secrets to matching the right type to your messages!

  • Discover the Best Places to Find Typefaces

  • See Examples Sorted By Season

  • Add Your Ideal Fonts to Your Style Guide

Module 4: Shapes & Patterns

Module 4: Shapes & Patterns

No longer wonder what your business cards should look like. Choose shapes and patterns that fit your brand like a glove.

  • How Shapes & Patterns Can Catapult Your Brand

  • Learn Where to Find Pattern Inspiration

  • Add Your Perfect Shapes & Patterns to Your Style Guide

Module 5: Photography

Module 5: Photography

People read images faster than text. Learn how to choose or create images that match your unique brand personality.

  • Learn 4 Photographic Styles Based on the Seasonal System

  • See Examples and Comparisons of Each

  • Get My Drool-Worthy Photography Sources (most of which are free!)

Module 6: Copy

Module 6: Copy

What sells? Copy! Learn how to craft copy for your business that sounds like you every time.

  • Discover Tone of Voice and How it Relates to Your Chosen Season

  • Revel in Great Copy Examples By Season

  • Create Your Own Brand Thesaurus

Module 7: Ready for Take-Off!

Module 7: Ready for Take-Off!

You have now assembled an amazing, rock-solid Brand Style Guide that you can share with anyone helping you promote your brand. No more feeling shy and not wanting to share your brand with friends and family, this puppy is ready to meet the world!

  • (Don't miss the juicy resources tucked into this last session.)

It can take as little as 1-2 weeks of lunch breaks

The course provides ~2.5 hours of material. Put in an additional 2.5 hours into the worksheets, research, and design, and you're done! You have a truly gorgeous business, ready to take to market!
It can take as little as 1-2 weeks of lunch breaks

Course Outline

3 Amazing Bonuses!

When you purchase the signature course, you also get immediate access to my 3 favorite bonuses!

  • Your Website

    In this bonus training learn the exact elements to include in your website navigation, homepage, headers, and footers to build the know-like-trust factor with your audience and convert them into your biggest fans.

  • Your Logo

    Don't leave the highest-value element of your brand to someone who doesn't deeply understand what you are all about. In this training, I take you step-by-step through creating your own powerful logo using

  • Your Avatar

    Knowing WHO you serve is key to your business decisions. Learn how to discover your ideal customer avatar's pain points, desired outcomes, and how to craft dopamine-inducing messaging that will have them flocking to you.

All Yours, Forever

Purchasing this course gives you forever access, including all upgrades.

There is no better time to start than today!

You have an idea for your brand in mind, why not test the waters? Once you have a style sheet, you are prepared for lauch!

Get started now